The 10 Best Ways to Store Your Glass Ornaments This Holiday

The 10 Best Ways to Store Your Glass Ornaments This Holiday

It’s about time to break out the ornaments and get your tree decorated. This year, why not try something new and hang some glass ornaments on your tree? Glass ornaments are a beautiful addition to any tree, but they can be delicate. If you want to make sure your ornaments last for years to come, follow these tips on how to store them properly.

10 Best Ways to Store Your Glass Ornaments This Holiday: Keep Your Decor in Perfect Condition

1. Choose the right storage container. When it comes to storing glass ornaments, you’ll want to choose a container that is sturdy and has a tight-fitting lid. A cardboard box with a lid is not ideal because it can crush your delicate ornaments. Instead, opt for a plastic storage container that is specifically designed for storing holiday decorations. You can find these at most stores that sell holiday decorations.

2. Wrap each ornament individually. Before you place your glass ornaments in the storage container, wrap each one individually in acid-free tissue paper. This will help to cushion them and prevent them from breaking if they shift around in the box.

3. Place your wrapped Ornaments in the storage container. Once all of your ornaments are wrapped, place them in the storage container. Make sure to put them in gently so that they don’t break.

4. Label the storage container. This may seem like an unnecessary step, but it’s important to label your storage containers so that you know what is inside of them. This will save you time when you’re looking for specific decorations next year.

5. Store the storage container in a cool, dry place. Once your glass ornaments are securely stored away, make sure to keep the container in a cool, dry place. A basement or closet is ideal. Avoid storing your holiday decorations in attics or garages, as these can get too hot or too cold, which can damage your decorations.

6. If you have a lot of ornaments, it may be helpful to store them in different containers. This will help to prevent them from breaking if they are jostled around in a single container.

7. If you live in a climate with extreme temperatures, you may want to store your glass ornaments in a climate-controlled environment. This will help to protect them from the cold or the heat and keep them in good condition.

8. If you are storing your ornaments for an extended period of time, you may want to consider wrapping them in bubble wrap. This will provide an extra layer of protection against bumps and bruises.

9. Make sure to clean your glass ornaments before storing them. This will help to prevent any dirt or dust from build-up that could damage the ornaments over time.

10. Last but not least, always use caution when handling glass ornaments. Even if they are wrapped up and stored away safely, they can still break if they are mishandled.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your glass ornaments will be safe and sound until next year. Then, you can enjoy them for many holiday seasons to come!

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