How to store a slim artificial Christmas tree safely

christmas tree with red ball on

Proper Storage Techniques for Your Slim Artificial Christmas Tree

The best way to store an artificial Christmas tree is to keep it upright, somewhere cool and out of direct sunlight. If you can’t keep your tree in one place, it’s best to store it in a box or bag. Here are some tips on how to do that:

Use a box: A slim artificial Christmas tree can be stored in a box, but make sure that the flocking on the branches is not exposed to dust or light. You can use a cardboard box for storage and cover it with tissue paper to protect it from dust. You can also wrap the stem of the tree with tissue paper before placing it in the box.

Clean Your Tree Before Storage

Use a tree bag: If you have a slim artificial Christmas tree, then you should invest in a tree bag. Tree bags are made from strong material and have handles so that you can carry them easily. They also include locks to prevent spillage of water during transit. You will need to place your tree in water when you take it out of storage before placing it in its stand and decorating it again.

Use a tall ladder to help you remove the tree from its stand. The safest way to do this is by leaning the ladder against one side of the stand, then placing a foot on each side and pulling up gently until you hear a click as the hinge releases.

If your slim artificial Christmas tree has an attachable trunk, remove it before storing the rest of the tree. This will make it easier to store and take out next year when it’s time to decorate again!

Disassemble the Tree Carefully

Roll up your slim artificial Christmas tree using a large blanket or tarp. Don’t worry about making it too tight — just roll it up from the bottom toward the top and secure with rubber bands or twist ties every few feet.

Securely wrap this rolled up bundle with packing tape or duct tape so no parts can pop out during transit or storage.

Remove any large decorations from the tree’s branches; these can damage the needles of a real Christmas tree if left on during storage.

Stuff some newspaper into each end of the box or bag where you plan to store your artificial Christmas tree to prevent damage while in transit.

Put bubble wrap around the bottom two feet of your tree and tie it up with string or rope so that it won’t move around inside its box or bag during transport.

If possible, unplug the lights from their power source before storing — this will prevent them from overheating over time when they’re not in use and potentially shorting out or burning out prematurely (you should also unplug lights before putting any electrical item away).

Find a cool, dry place to store your tree. Artificial trees can be stored in the attic or basement if they’re wrapped up well enough not to get ruined by moisture or dust. If you don’t have either of those options, try finding a spare room or closet where you can set up a folding table and lay your tree on top with its branches slightly off the floor (so nothing gets crushed).

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